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Natural Ways to Increase Eyelash Growth

makeup-tips-for-blue-eyes.jpgTheirs is no dearth of eyelash enhancing formulations in the market. Each one of them makes tall claim but only a few of them deliver on the promises made at the time of purchase.

Yet, many women fail to achieve the desired results because they do not know how to use eyelash growth enhancers.

While you can always buy yourself some authentic eyelash growth enhancers, it’s a good idea to consider trying some age-old tricks at home too! These are all safe techniques and you might get even better results with a good product.

1. Egg White

Egg white blended with castor oil provides one of the most effective solutions for growing eye lashes naturally. Mix two drops of the oil in egg white and apply on the eyelashes with a soft brush every night before sleeping. That’s all it takes.

2. Natural oils

Cosmetologists recommend using natural oils such as olive and castor oil to massage eyelashes before sleeping. Before sleeping at night, you can massage your lashes lightly with natural oils.

Oils provide nourishment to the roots of eye lashes and aid in their natural growth.

3. Improve Your Diet

In absence of a balanced diet, there is every possibility that your body will cease to grow strong hair and nails. A diet rich in essential minerals and nutrients such as fish, meat, soybeans, milk products and green vegetables helps in growing shiny and strong eye lashes.

4. Brush Regularly

1380170142.jpgYou should brush your eye lashes regularly. Just don’t overdo it. This helps in brushing out harmful foreign materials and dust particles that would otherwise clog the roots of lashes. Clogging ultimately results in inadequate delivery of oxygen to the hair follicles. This can even lead to breaking down of eye lashes.

You can even apply vitamin E rich oil post brushing before crashing out each night.

5. Avoid Fake Eyelashes

It’s due to excessive use of cosmetics and wearing of low quality fake eyelashes that lashes in some women begin to fall off rapidly. Abstain from using fake eye lashes. If you want to use artificial eyelash growth enhancers, make sure you get an authentic one.

Also, check your eyebrows for dandruff - persistent dandruff in eyebrows and eyelashes can lead to rapid eyelash loss.