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Does Derma Rolling Work for Ice Pick Scars

Ice picks are considered as the most difficult acne scars for the depth they have. And because they are so deep, treating them is no easy task. Let’s find out if derma rolling can help.

Ice pricks are the worse forms of acne scars because they are deep set inside the skin, which makes filling them a major hurdle. Where most skin treatments fail in treating ice picks, derma rolling is emerging as an effective remedy.

Let’s examine what causes ice pricks and how derma rolling can effectively treat the condition:

What Causes Ice Picks?

Most of us know what whiteheads and blackheads are. These are also known as comedone acne and they’re the real culprits for the formation of ice picks.

Comedones are formed when oil from the sebaceous glands combines with excess skin cells and creates a lump in the follicles of the skin.

These follicles are inflammatory in nature and the greater the amount of bacteria trapped inside them, the bigger their size and greater is the damage caused.

The formation of pus also leads to pressure build up inside the follicle, which pushes the inflammation deeper. It then results into the formation of cysts and nodules.

This inflammation damages the skin tissues, and their ability to produce collagen is also affected, which is why the scars from such acne never leaves the skin or heals.

How Can Derma Rolling Help Eradicate Ice Picks?

From the above discussion we can draw that ice pricks are unhealed acne scars that get a deficient supply of collagen.

Derma rolling when done using the correct needle length can effectively treat ice picks. Use a derma roller with 2.5 mm needles for better penetration into the skin. Pricking the skin with derma rollers is known to enhance the production of collagen, which will help treat the toughest acne scars.